The most common use of Jinja in data models is to apply row-level security using the security context, like so:

  - name: customers
    title: My customers
    sql: >
      select * 
      from public.customers 
      where organisationId = '{ COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.organisationId }' 

The { and } syntax is not actually a syntax that your database is expected to understand. This is the syntax for a pre-processor called Jinja (official documentation).

The above SQL will actually be compiled to something like the below, before being sent to your database:

select * 
from public.customers 
where organisationId = 'abc123'

Conditional SQL

The nice thing about jinja is that it can also be used to handle more complex use cases like:

  - name: customers
    title: My customers
    sql: >
      select * 
      from public.customers 
			{% if COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.superUser %}
				where 1 = 1
			{% else %}	
	      where organisationId = '{ COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.organisationId }' 
			{% endif %}

which will compile to the following for super users:

select * 
from public.customers 
where 1 = 1

Multiple values

For cases where your security context contains an array of items:

- name: Example customer 1
      - United States
      - Canada
      - Mexico

You can use our list helper function like so:

  - name: customers
    title: My customers
    sql: >
      select * 
      from public.customers 
			where country in {{ list(COMPILE_CONTEXT.securityContext.countries) }}

which will generate SQL like so:

select * 
from public.customers 
where country in ('United States', 'Canada', 'Mexico')