Imagine you have a simple customers table in your database that looks like so:

id email signed_up_at country
1 [email protected] 2023-09-04 United States
2 [email protected] 2021-09-06 Iceland


To model this in Embeddable you might create a file like so:

  - name: customers
    title: My customers
    sql_table: public.customers

      - name: id 
        sql: id
        type: number
        primary_key: true

      - name: email
				title: "Email address"
        sql: email
        type: string

      - name: country
				title: "Country of origin"
        sql: country
        type: string

      - name: signed_up_date
				title: "Signed up date"
        sql: signed_up_at
        type: time

      - name: count
        type: count
        title: '# of customers'

A few things to notice:

Next up:

Dimensions and Measures

Further reading

Cube data playground