This section explains how to configure dual authentication for Cube Cloud, allowing your Cube Cloud instance to support both JWK-based authentication (for customer applications) and secret-based authentication (for the Embeddable backend).


  1. Cube Cloud Configuration
  2. Cube.js Configuration Files
  3. Deploy to Cube Cloud

How it Works

Important Notes

This dual authentication setup provides flexibility and security for your Cube.js integration, allowing you to use both JWK-based and secret-based authentication methods as needed.


This is an example auth.js file. Copying and pasting this file probably won’t work for you (unless you have identical environment variable names), but it’s a good way to get started!

const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const jwksRsa = require('jwks-rsa'); // jwks-rsa library handles caching of the JWKS internally

class AuthHandlerError extends Error {
  constructor(status, message) {
    this.status = status;

const jwkUrl = process.env.CUBEJS_JWK_URL;
const jwksClient = jwksRsa({
  jwksUri: jwkUrl
const secretKey = process.env.CUBEJS_API_SECRET;

const customCheckAuth = async (req, auth) => {
  if (auth) {
    if (req.get('Request-Origin') === 'embeddable') {
      validateEmbeddableJwt(auth, req); // Secret key authentication
      console.debug("validateEmbeddableJwt JWT verification successful.")
    } else {
      await validateJwt(auth, req); // JWK authentication
      console.debug("validateJwt JWT verification successful.")
  } else {
    throw new AuthHandlerError(403, "Authentication required");

const validateEmbeddableJwt = (auth, req) => {
  try {
    const decoded = jwt.verify(auth, secretKey, {algorithms: ['HS256']});

    req.securityContext = decoded;
  } catch (err) {
    throw new AuthHandlerError(403, `validateEmbeddableJwt JWT validation failed: ${err.message}, ${auth}`);

const validateJwt = async (auth, req) => {
  try {
    console.log("Starting JWT validation...");

    const getKey = (header, callback) => {
      console.debug("Fetching signing key with kid:", header.kid);
      jwksClient.getSigningKey(header.kid, (err, key) => {
        if (err) {
          console.error("Error getting signing key:", err);
          callback(err, null);
        console.debug("Signing key:", key);
        const signingKey = key.getPublicKey();
        callback(null, signingKey);

    const decoded = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      jwt.verify(auth, getKey, {algorithms: ["RS256"]}, (err, decoded) => {
        if (err) {
          reject(new AuthHandlerError(403, `jwt.verify, JWT validation failed: ${err.message}`));
        } else {

    console.debug("JWT verification successful. Decoded payload:", decoded);
    req.securityContext = decoded;

  } catch (err) {
    throw new AuthHandlerError(403, `validateJwt JWT, validation failed: ${err.message}`);

module.exports = {customCheckAuth, AuthHandlerError};
