You must connect at least one database to Embeddable so that Embeddable knows where to run the SQL generated by your data models. We call these connections. You add a connection like so:

// for security reasons, this must *never* be called from your client-side
fetch('<>', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}` /* keep your API Key secure */
    body: JSON.stringify({
				name: 'my-postgres-db',
				type: 'postgres',
				credentials: {
					host: '...',
					port: '...',
					// ... see db-specific "Example Requests" below

Status 201 { errorMessage: null }

The above represents a CREATE action, but all CRUD operations are available (see Example requests section below).

The apiKey can be found by clicking “Publish” on one of your Embeddable dashboards.

The name is a unique name to identify this connection.

The type tells us which driver to use (postgres, bigquery, mongodb, etc.)

The credentials is a javascript object containing the necessary credentials expected by the driver (see Example requests section below).

In order to support connecting to different databases for prod, qa, test, etc (or to support different databases for different customers) you can assign each connection to an environment (see Environments API).

Testing your connection

To test whether Embeddable is able to connect to your database, you can use the /test endpoint (example), like so:

const apiKey = '<your API Key>';
const connectionName = 'my-postgres-db';

fetch(`${connectionName}/test`, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}` /* keep your API Key secure */

Status 201 { errorMessage: null }

Using your connection

To use your connection, simply refer to it by name in your models:

  - name: customers
    data_source: my-postgres-db # <---- tells Embeddable which db connection to use
